I always get emotional on Veterans Day. Maybe because my Dad is a veteran who volunteered to fight in the Vietnam War. Maybe it is because I am a proud American.
I was going for my morning drive with angel baby this morning (that is the only way she'll nap) and I saw soldiers getting ready for the town parade, and there were grandparents at the town green's war memorial with their grandchildren waving their flags. The grandfather was pointing to the stone memorial and telling his granddaughter about it. It makes you stop for a moment and reflect on this country.
My husband and I always thank soldiers when we see them. Whether it is sending over a drink in the bar or a handshake and a verbal "thank you". We are sincere, we love our country and the men and women who fight to protect us. Those who allow us to put our children to bed without worry and lay our own heads down peacefully.
So on this Veterans Day 2009, I feel more sad than usual. I do not know or understand the direction our beautiful, strong, wonderful country is going. President Obama has turned this country upside down. He chooses to stand before the UN and apologize for our nation. What? Apologize? To Iran and other nations, for what reason? He speaks about the terrible tragedy at Fort Hood after, AFTER he gives a "shout out", his words, not mine, to his buddy. His priorities are not straight. He is the leader of this wonderful nation. He was elected to take care of her, to guide and nurture her and her people. He is not taking good care of her.
As I lay my head down on my pillow tonight on THIS Veterans Day, I will not forget, I remember, I do not apologize for our free (for Now) nation. I thank all the soldiers past and present who have taken such good care of us. Thank You Thank You Thank You, and may God Bless you all.
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